Gloria Gomez, PhD / co-founder, strategist, researcher / about me / publications

Purposeful Games as Surveying Methods
Research assistant, part time (Aug 2009 - Feb 2010)
Department of Applied Sciences (former Design Studies)
University of Otago Dunedin, New Zealand

screenshot of sketcharoo homepage
Welcome screen for the playful and conventional survey. Visit

I provided research assistance with the design conceptualisation and empirical testing of a playful online survey to investigate purposeful games as a medium and method for surveying.

My roles in this project included:

  • Putting together a literature review on survey research on the use of images as data collection instruments for gathering data in quantitative and qualitative research.
  • Assisting with the planning of the experimental study
  • Assisting with preparation and write up of a journal article reporting the results of the comparative study
The literature review together with that of purposeful gaming (a branch of human computation research) were used to inform the analysis and discussion of the experimental outcomes.


Conference participation

Gomez, G. (2009), discussant in the Play < > Work forum, unConference 1:0 Digital Futures – The Internet Research Group of Otago (IRGO), New Zealand, Nov 23 – 24, 2009.